The St. John Association supports healthcare in our country and in particular conducts First Aid Training courses. These courses are held countrywide targeting unqualified persons who aspire to work in the healthcare arena. The organisation also targets business entities which are required under the Occupational, Health and Safety Act #32 of 1997 at its Headquarters on a regular basis. Such courses are provided for the business community at their locations including the interior. Such training ensures their compliance with the Occupational, Health and Safety Act #32 of 1997. The St. John Association also provides training in Home Nursing for persons who completed First Aid/ CPR/AED training.
At St. John Headquarters in Kingston, students predominately females are trained in the areas of First Aid and Home Nursing and are sensitized to the opportunities for them to grow and develop to higher level as Nurses supporting health care in Guyana. The successful students are normally accommodated at various hospitals where they start their nursing careers.

The main activities of St. John Guyana are in Georgetown. However there is a St. John Linden Brigade where. They are presently supporting Bosai Mining Company with First Aiders.
New Amsterdam
There is also a Division in New Amsterdam. That Division is located at the New Amsterdam Nursing School Annex. They conduct training courses in First Aid, Home Nursing and Mental Health.
The St. John International office in London provides guidance in relation to policies. For example, Course Content and Values. While the St. John organisation has its foundation on Christian values, all religions are welcomed. King Charles 111 is the Sovereign Head of the Order. The British High Commissioner is an ex-officio member of the Council of St. John Association and Father Compton Meerabux, S. J. is the Chaplain.